about me

Describe huh? Okay let's geddit!

I usually stick to my own orbit, but this website is my way of inviting interested readers to peek into my world. Labels are tricky; no matter what I say, you'll have your own take on them. As I evolved, I found that "learner" fits me best.

Since diving into coding, I've been captivated by turning nothing into something, building and 'break'ing things, and the endless possibilities. Creating something others use? That's an engineer's ultimate high.

I'm a nerd in a sense that I remain obsessed with the nitty-gritty details of the things I'm interested in. And drama? nah! that's not in the script.

I dig philosophy, psychology, and tech blogs. I'm fascinated by tech's impact on society. I've got a tight-knit circle of friends to game, laugh, and have fun with. Well, I also do sometimes make rap songs but never release them.